Through the pandemic and the economic reactivation

The instruments made to face the most devastating global health crisis in our history, where we are dealing with a process of progressive reactivation with a negative impact in economic growth as well in Fiscal Policy, which has to be adjusted mid-term with less pleasing measures for our society.

According to the estimates from the International Labour Organization, the Covid-19 epidemic could eradicate almost 25 million jobs around the world. Our country is foreseeing the disappearance of companies and businesses, as they become unable to generate income and are forced to shut down.

During the previous 9 weeks, in Analdex, we have proposed to bring the legal and regulatory measures closer to our affiliates and users of foreign trade, in order to understand and turn the process of reactivation on the productive apparatus and logistic more efficient. Where it is allowed to operate under the new guidelines that the law delimits in order to maintain safe trustee labor relations and can improve day by day during these volatile circumstances.

On April 24, the issuing of bio-safety protocols to perform an economic reactivation began the phase to start the national productive apparatus, seeking to minimize health effects on the workers and their families.

Being aware that the information, the self-care culture and the generation of protocols are the most efficient instruments to prevent spreading inside the work place, it becomes necessary to create follow-up and control mechanisms in order to guarantee that contingence is validated with the proper compromise from workers in their daily routine.

Nowadays, our entrepreneurs face great challenges when it’s time to define the how and when of the protocol implementation, the follow-up and supervision, since this mechanism is oriented on the basis of prevention, protection and economic development focused on the mission activities of the organizations. We have visualized how reactivating the business model of the companies presents large interrogations that must be resolved before starting labor operations.

Companies are found boxed in between additional process and costs for their operation and are not easy to estimate, since companies neither account for standardized controls nor have trained personnel on this specific subject. On the other hand, the halting of process has also generated a legal unawareness, which is recent, has multiple documentations and makes difficult its interpretation.

However, the compliance of this regulation during the implementation of bio-safety protocols will allow companies to restart and maintain operation, relying on a proper standardization of controls in regards to Bio-safety.

Implementing actions for the integral protection of the workers. Adopting management control measures in reduction of the exposure (shift flexibility, work schedule and work remotely or at home). Reporting to EPS and AR if any suspicious and confirmed cases of Covid-19 arise. Incorporating information about Covid-19 in official channels of communication. Finding support with the ARL to validate the risk and with EPS on promotional health activities.

Reason why, is urgent and necessary to implement controls with the support of specialized personnel, which provide agility and experience with proper legal frame interpretation applicable based on the sector and subsector of the business on each organization. It is necessary to train your workers and contractors in order to avoid possible fines, sanctions and suspensions on national and local entities.

By: Álvaro Forero Martínez, Special Project Manager Analdex
